Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Museum Journal - The End

Museum Journal - The End

After just over 2 years the monthly installment of the Diary of the (nameless) Director of the (fictional) National Museum of Great Britain this gig has ran its course and come to a natural close.

Here are the last two stalling enthrallments:

Part 27. Here our man commandeers the Ark Royal for the Museums Board, decorates it with artwork by Tracy Emin and Grayson Perry and sails into Left-wing cities like Liverpool and Glasgow to threaten councils that refuse to tow the Party line.

And here, in the very last Diary entry, Part 28, our man recounts how he got imbroiled in the tabloid press royal sex scandal. Here he chats innocently to Lord N___ (dressed as the Great God Pan) whilst holding Prince Harry's Willie (his goldfish, named for his brother, as it mostly just sits there, stares and opens and closes its mouth)!

As always with MJ the final print size is minute (3 or 4 cm across tops) so its crucial to keep the design very simple and the detail to a minimum. 

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